The summer holidays naturally create long-lasting precious memories. Who can’t cast their mind back to a favourite holiday with their parents, a trip to a beautiful British beach or long lazy days playing in the sandpit and paddling pool in the back garden? These memories are the ones that can be evoked by the touch of a sea breeze, the sound of the ice cream man or the scent of fragrant sun cream.
These sensory triggers really do take us right back to the best of times and keeping souvenirs can be such a lovely way to hold those memories close and make the imagery burn that bit brighter!
Trinkets that little ones urgently MUST buy from a local gift shop, postcards and shells inevitably get cast to one side though when the holidays are over and our hectic lives settle back into that well-rehearsed rhythm once we’re home. Those idyllic beach days seem like they never happened.
I wanted to hold those precious memories close and keep something from that period in our lives that wouldn’t get lost at the bottom of the toy box or glossed over as another bit of “stuff” when we’re tidying up at the weekends! I had a think about all of the special moments that I never wanted to lose from some of our dearest trips. The one that stood out most was a beautiful day on the beach where we built sandcastles, ate sandwiches and jumped the waves as they came into shore. We warmed our cold toes on the sand after our paddle and studied all of the details that our footprints had left! Each tiny toe had been picked out by the sparkling grains of sand and they were beautiful albeit temporary works of art!
What if, just as the holiday blues set in you could lift your spirits by stretching out that special quality time by visiting me at the studio to let me work my magic and stop time? I can help in saving those little footprints in the sand for all of the summers to follow by creating a permanent work of art that will bring back that holiday feeling again and again! 👣